Blackjack Strategy Card
Hitting and Standing
The most important decisions a player has to make is whether to hit or stand on particular hard and soft hands. Fortunately the choices are rather straightforward.For hard hands, if the player’s cards total 12 or higher, there are three simple Rules.
- If the dealer’s hand shows a seven or higher and the players hand has a total between 12 and 16, you will want to hit.
- On any hand totaling 17 or higher you will want to stand.
- If the dealer’s hand shows a two through six and the players hand has a total between 12 and 16, you will want to stand.
- If the dealer’s hand shows an eight or less, the player will want to stand on soft 18 or higher.
- Always stand on soft 19 or higher.
- Always draw on a soft hand at or under 17.
- Only draw on a soft 18 if the dealers hand shows an eight, nine or ten.
Doubling Down
The full benefits of basic strategy begin when the player has an opportunity to increase their bet, either by doubling down, splitting or sometimes both. It is important to know which situations provide the player with and advantage when doubling-down. Doubling-down is the chief method through which layers reduce the house edge.For hard hands, three basic rules govern play:
When the dealer’s hand is showing a ten or less, the player will want to double down when their hand totals eleven.
- When the dealer’s hand is showing a four, five or six, the player will want to double down when their hand totals nine.
- When the dealer’s hand is showing a nine or less, the player will want to double down when their hand totals 10.
When the dealer’s hand is showing a five or six, the player will want to double down when their hand totals a soft 13 or soft 14.
- When the dealer’s hand is showing a four, five, or six, the player will want to double down when their hand totals a soft 15 or soft 16.
- When the dealer’s hand shows a three through six, the player will want to double down when their hand totals a soft 17 or soft 18.
Splitting Pairs
For splitting pairs there are six, simple and easy-to-remember rules that apply.- With a pair of eights or aces, the player will always want to split.
- When the dealer’s hand shows a four through seven, the player will want to split twos and threes.
- Never split fours, fives or tens.
- When the dealer’s hand shows a three through six, the player will want to split sixes.
- When the dealer’s hand shows a three through seven, the player will want to split sevens.